Its exam time! And everyone I know is either super stressed or super busy. I always find during exam time my craving for sweets goes WAY up, so I try to curb this by making my own baked goods. I try to eat somewhat healthy when I’m stressed or not stressed, and I love to bake and cook. These banana muffins are a perfect study pick me up and always make me feel super good.
2-3 very ripe bananas (I like to wait until mine are black!)
2 eggs (or 1 if you want to make it really low fat)
2 tablespoon of oil (for moistness)
½ cup of sugar
1 ¼ cup of flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1) Mix the flour, sugar and baking soda together in a large bowl
2) In another bowl, put the banana, oil and eggs into the blender until completely smooth
3) Mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients
4) Bake for 20-25 minutes at 350ͦ
5) Enjoy!
You could add a table spoon or so of chocolate chips if you wanted banana chocolate chip muffins, but I find these to be perfect!
For those of you that have exams as well, GOOD LUCK!
I made guacamole in that bowl! It too was delicious - praise be to the bowl and all bow to its power of imparting yummy :D :D
Thanks for the nice comment! These look delicious.
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